What We Do
46 years on and we’re still going strong.
Our Ducati club leads three rides every month and numerous events through out the year.
The RideEmDon’tHideEm rides are lead by experienced club members and head out on their favourite roads, North and South.
Our monthly Feature Ride is for our full & family members and leads you on some of Sydney’s best motorbike roads.
Events we organise include: Concours D’Elegance, Swap Meet, Bike displays at Club Marconi and Ferrogusto Italian festivals, Our famous Thunder Rally, Track days. We also organise rides through out the year to other States DOC events and on weekends away to the likes of Tinteldra, Nundle, Dorrigo + beyond again these are for our full & family financial members.
Spur of the moment [unplugged rides ] can be organised via shout-outs in our DOCNSW Facebook group.
Our events all support our charity: Royal Rehab Hospital Ryde brain and spinal injuries. We are Royal Rehabs longest supporter having been with them for 40 years.
DOCNSW is a recognised NSW historic vehicle club, our current Full & Family financial members, can register their eligible historic vehicles with the scheme and enjoy vastly reduced registration & green slip cost benefits.
DOCNSW is also affiliated with Motorcycling NSW which allows our Full & Family financial members to obtain either a Competitive or Recreational licence from Motorcycling Australia. DOCNSW has two delegates with Motorcycling NSW to represent our members interests and concerns, they fight for your rights and keep you up to date with everything that concerns you as a rider.
We support you: If our financial members need help with a Ducati dealership or service center, our club president will listen to you and step in if needs be, to try to get a positive outcome for both parties.